

Turn Into the Storm

My son was sharing a recent boating story with me the other day of trying to navigate a 100’ boat away from a dangerous crash.

As the wind blew him towards the obstacle, his boat training kicked in and reminded him that the way to move the boat away from danger was to actually turn into it!

Many know that the safest place in a hurricane is in the “eye” or the center of the storm. It makes sense that this is the safest place with the least amount of damaging wind.

Instead of running away or being caught on the fringe, even against instinct, turn into the storm.

Life is like this as well. How many times have we tried to avoid something, sometimes for years, only to exist on the fringe where the winds are most damaging? Some call it avoiding the issue or even denial.

However, the best place to be when the storms of life threaten is smack dab in the middle of them.

Yes, dive in with both feet. Do not avoid, do not deny and most of all, do not delay!

Winds on the fringe will wear you down and wear you out. While there is still time and while you still have strength, think of your biggest problem or your biggest storm and get right in the middle of it until it either calms down or goes away.

It may be painful for a season, but nothing like the years of pain if not confronted today…

Happy sailing!

Olivia Bramble